here is mine :P
i know it sux badly
but i am one of the guys who wins without looking fine :P
Attached Files
11for competition.rpl (131.4 KB, 10 views)
I'll do >:D >:D >:D and YOU'll do :S:S:S:S:S:S:S
wow really nice replay's for a first try. keep it up

try to relax a bit more. End's up making your replay's awesome
master of the universe
srry for double posting again

heres another mad repla trying to get the relax thing down
Attached Files
Mad one arm for you.rpl (76.6 KB, 6 views)
Hmmm... Replay's are good but if you move alot of joints and set the turn frame from 5-10, it'll come out good. See the Replay Hall Of Fame and try to watch it. You may learn something. But anywayz, good work
master of the universe