Timezone: My timezone is -6
Preferred modes: My favorites Mods are Aikidobigdojo.tbm, and favorites mods.
In-game activity (scale of 1-10): My in-game active is very high is like 9/10 i spend like 3 or 4 per day in-game
Forum activity (scale of 1-10): My forum active is to very high i spend like 3 or 4hours per day it depends of my state. Is like 9/10
Why i whant to join:Because is a great clan whit very good members
More info: I am from Mexico, I 16 years old. I like to play toribash cuz is a game that make me challenge. I can make good head textures and replays i am not the best on it for im very good. I am an aikidobigdojo player, i got very good skill to this mod if you want to test just looking for me in-game or send me a pm.
Thx for see my apply,Have a merry christmas
Last edited by borjon; Apr 15, 2012 at 05:18 PM.