Max, actually I think you are doing pretty good, in a realistic way. But sometimes looks like you're putting too much pressure in this steps, looks unnatural, I'd guess that you're using extends in your knees to do that steps, and if this is correct I recommend you to use more of holds and relaxes. Also, by abusing of relaxing and holding, you can control better your body bending but (at least it happens to me) you're gonna use a lot of shift+space to reach the proper movement.
I can do a detailed overview and point where you could use this relaxes and holds, but I'm talking only about running.
Everything is looking very legit. Great moves and good control while passing through obstacles.
I'm liking it so far and awaiting to see it progressing :^)
oh and in addition to this, me and Halue are doing a coop parkour. We plan to help each other to complete the stage.
We have just begun but he had a unfortunate frac so we're going to use respar so he can remake this climbing, or just avoid this frac, then I can help him to climb
Last edited by Lionet; Dec 23, 2017 at 04:01 PM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump