Originally Posted by Tetzel View Post
Meh, duckmech still sucks dick.
k bye!

I knew he would try to do something.

ya ok u told me u have fat rushing into your testicles at 100mph gay much?
I dunno if i'm allowed to say something here, but about tetzel and duckmech. I think they should resolve the problem they have, tet seems like a good player to me.
pm me your questions or applications

dance with my dogs in the night time
cash to burn
it will never happen hook up agility I owned tht clan and gave him leader an he made every one leader and left
it will never resolve
and pretty much none of his replays were made by him
he stole jisses replay an uploaded man on fire films
Last edited by duckmech; Jan 18, 2015 at 07:57 PM.
You "trust" duckmech?? He is ENTIRELY untrustworthy.
1# all of my replays are made by me
2# when I sent the replay to MOFF, I didn't know that it was blacklistable.
3# It was my idea to name the clan agility, I gave him OP after my friend, Casparov made the forums and such, so it's really Casp's clan.
4# I never told you "I have blood rushing to my testicles at 100mph" That's just some bullshit you made up.
sorry i left Skype group, the messages were pissing me off

and why are there a bunch of alts trash talking our members?

if you are one of those alts --> get ebola and die
Originally Posted by realmee View Post
I dunno if i'm allowed to say something here, but about tetzel and duckmech. I think they should resolve the problem they have, tet seems like a good player to me.

You are and you're right, he seems to be good to me too. But this situation is really confusing...

Originally Posted by iFear View Post
You "trust" duckmech?? He is ENTIRELY untrustworthy.
1# all of my replays are made by me
2# when I sent the replay to MOFF, I didn't know that it was blacklistable.
3# It was my idea to name the clan agility, I gave him OP after my friend, Casparov made the forums and such, so it's really Casp's clan.
4# I never told you "I have blood rushing to my testicles at 100mph" That's just some bullshit you made up.

Whose alt are you now?? Stop spamming around with this army of braindead alts...
Originally Posted by Poko View Post
sorry i left Skype group, the messages were pissing me off

and why are there a bunch of alts trash talking our members?

if you are one of those alts --> get ebola and die

I dunno either, but that was a bit harsh! lol.
Paint me like your french girls
Jeeeeeeeeez kids calm down ...

First of all: Hi Regotten <3
The first thing I have to say is: Stop spamming with your alts on this Thread.Then... i'm confused af atm I dont know the problem between duck and Reg and you know what... I dont even want to know it. I got important problems atm I'm busy af with everything (english skillzzz). And stop pming me with: duckmech sucks blablabla

Ps: Poko u can just go in that busy mode thingy on skype.
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