Secret Santa 2024
Sup fam
- Age and Gender (optional) I am 15yrs old Male (but I classify as a toaster

- QI and Belt (At time of application) Belt 3rd dan QI 3589

- Where do you live (GMT+?) UTC/GMT+00:00

- What is your history in TB? (Clans, Infractions and anything else, feel free to add story) well I use to be a BIG clan hopper then I just never joined a clan then I came to FC then I left FC and I left because I was never tested to be able to war

- Personal Information (Tell us a bit about yourself outside of Toribash) Well I have a dog and I play on TB almost all the time.

- How would you rate your Forum Activity? (1-10) I say on the forums I'm like a 3-4 because I don't go on the forums that often but if I am needed I will be on the forums more.

- How would you rate your In-Game Activity? (1-10) For in game I'm a 7-8 because I mostly play this and if I'm not playing this its Team fortress 2.

- Do you pride yourself in Game or on the Forums? (Any Particular Skills?) I pride myself in the game because I'm a fast learner and I mostly go for counters or locks if I can if not I go for attacks.

- If in Game, please provide minimum 3 replays for reviewing

- Competitive Mods? Aptitude outside of the game? I mostly do ABD or Mushu or aikido.

- If in Forums, please provide evidence of said skill for reviewing

- Do you have Discord? If yes, please provide these. yes I have Discord Unknown122

- Do you have any Connections in Fight Club? This includes any trials or approvals by other members in game (Provide these if possible) I know Merc and I know Dank(he is my dad)
Here Come That Boi
Hey. I would like to join in your clan. I'm 3rd dan black belt (3181 QI). Forum active (9/10) Ingame (10/10). GMT +3. My favourite mods: aikidobigdojo, rb_greykido, lenshu, erkhtv2. Also i like spar and parkours, but don't often play on this mods.
Attached Files
#SemiHampa - leg save.rpl (49.3 KB, 2 views)
Arm save.rpl (71.9 KB, 2 views)
Boxshu duel.rpl (85.5 KB, 2 views)
adamant vs semihampa.rpl (66.0 KB, 2 views)
Sparring.rpl (841.2 KB, 3 views)
Hey SemiHampa glad you decided to apply finally but I'd like a slightly longer app if possible. Thanks.
| Leader of FC | Loans | ABD Enthusiast |
Fight Club Application
I go by Manaus in game, no meaning to it. I live in South Africa, Harare time zone. Most of my skill is in Mushu and Boxshu, pretty average with the rest. Joined Toribash in 2013. To be honest ive never been in any serious clans.
Belt: Black
15 Years old, male
One infraction due to a misunderstanding with another user on this computer, will explain in full detail on request
Im in the tenth grade, main interest are in computer gaming pretty social in general.
Forum and In game: 8/10
I Pride myself in mushu, wushu, boxshu and a little parkour
I was inivited by Merc
Not too sure how to show you my replays other than on uploading replays on the forum, but i do have to show
Dont know what discord is

I will gladly fill in any missing information on request
I look forward to your reply
Here are the replays that were required
Attached Files
Athens-Mushu.rpl (35.9 KB, 2 views)
rikukate mekimime.rpl (41.1 KB, 2 views)
Judo.rpl (27.6 KB, 2 views)
Double fatality.rpl (60.7 KB, 2 views)
Last edited by Manaus; Feb 5, 2017 at 04:20 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by SemiHampa View Post
Hey. I would like to join in your clan. I'm 3rd dan black belt (3181 QI). Forum active (9/10) Ingame (10/10). GMT +3. My favourite mods: aikidobigdojo, rb_greykido, lenshu, erkhtv2. Also i like spar and parkours, but don't often play on this mods.

Idk from me you can make better one