Christmas Lottery
Buice - Buice (2021)

Atlanta based "weirdcore" noise rock trio Buice trudges through a blizzard of noise. Immersed into an angry, and chaotic sound this record takes you through a variety of eclectic influences, and pushes you around with its punchy drums, thick bass tones, and shrilling riffs. If you have been looking for an artist with more focus on bass, Buice is a must listen. Front man, and bassist Hayden Locke does an excellent job elevating tracks with his vocal performances, almost as an homage to older punk groups like Adolescence, and Agent Orange; keeping the screaming to only when it is absolutely necessary. The bass soloes on this album are also incredible, and remind me a lot of Boris' more metal output.

Favorite track, Bells:
This song is insane. Layered with a deep wind of sound as the thick disgusting bass booms into the track pushing you down the roller coaster of a song. The kind of track that would make you want to bring a broadsword into the pit. Even when the song is slowed down, and preparing you for the next explosion it is still rich with dizzying ambience.

Seriously check this record out if you are at all interested in older punk music, fuzzier metal, or noise rock.

Originally Posted by Nurse View Post
Buice - Buice (2021)

Atlanta based "weirdcore" noise rock trio Buice trudges through a blizzard of noise. Immersed into an angry, and chaotic sound this record takes you through a variety of eclectic influences, and pushes you around with its punchy drums, thick bass tones, and shrilling riffs. If you have been looking for an artist with more focus on bass, Buice is a must listen. Front man, and bassist Hayden Locke does an excellent job elevating tracks with his vocal performances, almost as an homage to older punk groups like Adolescence, and Agent Orange; keeping the screaming to only when it is absolutely necessary. The bass soloes on this album are also incredible, and remind me a lot of Boris' more metal output.

Favorite track, Bells:
This song is insane. Layered with a deep wind of sound as the thick disgusting bass booms into the track pushing you down the roller coaster of a song. The kind of track that would make you want to bring a broadsword into the pit. Even when the song is slowed down, and preparing you for the next explosion it is still rich with dizzying ambience.

Seriously check this record out if you are at all interested in older punk music, fuzzier metal, or noise rock.


this is NOT gami gang by origami angel
i gotta be uncircumcised the way all this cheese is pilin up
monry got me spellboudn
That was really bad sorry.
Someone tell me why this guy is highly respected by some people ???