Application format:
name: FluXen
how long been playing: since 11-15-2009
Belt: 1th Dan (Around 200 Maches to 2nd Dan :/ )
Old clans: [Sin][FA] and some more.
IRC:Idk what it is xD
Recieved any infractions?: Yes. 2
If yes include why.Blatant spam and a useless post. the spam wasnt rly spam, but some1 thought it was...
Why you would like to join: Ive been looking for a guild now for a long time. [Addicted] rejected me, so Im still looking. Ive heard so much good thing about this clan, so I thought i may leave an application
Best mod: Wushu
Extra information: Naa. need to be atleast 3rd dan to apply.2.if you got rejected by addicted what in the world makes you think we will even think about accepting you? 3.s0 you recieved an infraction,accept it like a man dont try brush it off and say it was not supposed to be given..and last but not least,NO.
uhhhh well then how to you apply ...and my skillz are better then yours....and i never got rejected you idiiots never looked at my application or wanted to give me a chance
uhhhh well then how to you apply ...and my skillz are better then yours....and i never got rejected you idiiots never looked at my application or wanted to give me a chance
get your ass out of our forum!We rejected your application not you..You trully are a moron.Also you are just to0 stupid to even deserve to be tested.Go join a no0b clan or something..Another thing,dont be stupid and say your 'skillz' are better,who you fooling? Now gtfo!....Oh and if you post here again i will report you for invasion..