We've decided to implement filesize restrictions on avatars/sigpics, due to a number of people who have irritatingly large files as their avatars/sigs. The restrictions are as follows:
- Avatars must be smaller than 34kb.
- Sigpics must be smaller than 350kb.
VIP users will be allowed to have animated GIF avatars/sigpics, so long as they are smaller than 34/350kb.
Please note that if your avatar/sigpic currently exceeds the restrictions, you are required to change it - there is no grandfather clause on this. If you aren't sure if you exceed the restrictions, try reuploading your current avatar/sigpic.
Any user found to still have an excessively large avatar or sigpic after June 15, 2012 will have their avatar and sigpic changed to duck images (that follow the restrictions, of course) of our choice.