Secret Santa 2024
Hi, i'm sdsman or Logan IRL. I am a second dan black belt, My age is 20 and my GMT is + 7 i'm very active, I live in Canada and please resist the canadian jokes its actually really nice here its like 35 degrees here right now so don't say are you cold why are you so nice. Please don't say that, don't be stereotypical. Anyways lets change the subject i play acoustic guitar and soccer, i'll start with acoustic guitar.

I love music i started playing acoustic guitar 5 years ago and ever since then i have become amazing at it. I write music like its nothing, of course my music is not online but if you could hear it it would sound beautiful. Now lets get into Futball (Soccer) I have played Futball for 10 years now, my whole family plays it because my father is from Spain and my mother is from Britain and Futball is very popular in those country's. Toribash is my life, I play everyday from 8 to 4 pm (Canada North america timezone) so that is how long i play toribash. In other words all day.

Its pretty hard to make friends but I somehow manage it. I'm friends with Link in this clan from back when i was in Electric. He never recomended me to join this clan but i decided to. I think i can bring great skill to this clan by encouraging people. Telling people that they can do it, that they aren't who they think they are. That to me is gonna make people have confidence in them selves to get better at toribash, so that they can become tori legends.

of course I haven't become a tori legend yet but i believe that getting into official clans is the best way to develop a tori legend. I thought that Inq was a good clan for it so as you can see i'm applying for Inq. Hopping to get into this clan, or just to get responses.

I think my app is good enough to get into Inq sooo... that's all i got, have a good day and

bye bye

Attached Files
Sdsman VS TheJShadow.rpl (470.3 KB, 2 views)
Last edited by sdsman; Aug 24, 2015 at 07:53 PM.
Duck's little internet assistant
Mmmm fresh meat.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Hello there I'm Noviix, I play Toribash fairly frequently nowadays and used to a lot more. I am 16 years old and going into tenth grade in high school, I live in New York and my timezone is Eastern Standard Time. I love almost any type of video game there is as well as sports, but enough about me in real life, onto the bulk of the application.

Toribash Section

So again I am Noviix, a previous member of the clan named Electric. I am no where near the best player in toribash but I have for sure not the worst. I am fairly dedicated to playing the game and have achieved the rank of Brown Belt, I could probably be slightly higher if I didn't take a break consisting of about 4-6 months I believe was the time span. I was informed about the clan through a member named "Daedalus" who I was trading/selling items to and he told me a small bit regarding "Inq" and I ended up finding Inquisition. Upon seeing this thread I saw how professional and organized the clan is and how it carries itself with respect. This aspect caught my eye and I felt intrigued to join it. Inquisition is a clan I would love to be apart of, most clans are just "cluster fucks" of either younger kids who don't know what they are doing or unprofessional clans that are well.. unprofessional.

Enough with the huge paragraphs and run on sentences though, essentially I want to join a professional and respectful clan of professional and respectful people and Inquisition fits that agenda. In Toribash itself I play mainly Greykido and Mushu, you can usually find me roaming tourney servers in those regards ^, I can also be decent at ABD but it is not my first choice. I hope you do not look at the rank of someone's belt before applying/denying an application as I'd feel misjudged, I can provide replays if asked and go in game with you or whatever it takes to prove my worth, but until then I will be waiting for any message or reply to this. Thank you for reading my application.

- Noviix

P.S. PM me if you want replays added to this or anything of the sort.
Hi Noviix, we will discuss your application in our secret board. However, as I had said to you earlier, it would be nice if you try to know our members through irc (our channel is #claninq) in order to get a better judgment from the members, since we don't know you at all. But yea, let's see what happens.
Originally Posted by Daedalus View Post
Hi Noviix, we will discuss your application in our secret board. However, as I had said to you earlier, it would be nice if you try to know our members through irc (our channel is #claninq) in order to get a better judgment from the members, since we don't know you at all. But yea, let's see what happens.

Understood, as much as I like to meet people and take time to get to know them I enjoy devoting time and getting in depth with a clan. But thank you.
hi everyone my name is D3vil in game and irl Enea , I wold like to be part of this clan , have been part of many other clans and have had my own clan , now I may be a low belt but that's because I changed my main account because of the name I have right now , anyways ... here some epic things about the app , " I am the devil and I am someone who you really need in the fight to overcome every clan in this game , the powers of darkens are going to be on your side and a wave of terror will stun our enemies , let us unleash the dogs of hell , tear their throats wide open and watch rain of crimson fall from the heavens ... "
Last edited by D3viI; Aug 31, 2015 at 11:23 PM.
Originally Posted by D3viI View Post
hi everyone my name is D3vil in game and irl Enea , I wold like to be part of this clan , have been part of many other clans and have had my own clan , now I may be a low belt but that's because I changed my main account because of the name I have right now , anyways ... here some epic things about the app , " I am the devil and I am someone who you really need in the fight to overcome every clan in this game , the powers of darkens are going to be on your side and a wave of terror will stun our enemies , let us unleash the dogs of hell , tear their throats wide open and watch rain of crimson fall from the heavens ... "

We don't accept alts. Either apply on your main or don't apply at all.

Noviix has been rejected. Please contact us and get to know us on IRC, and then maybe your application will be re-evaluated, until then, good luck next time.
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
Hi, I'm Charlest0n Aka Charles Aka char Aka Charlie, I have a lot of names... I'm a male 14 year old Canadian. My favourite sport is soccer/football and I do a bit of skateboarding irl. Some of my hobbies are drawing, gaming, and I want to start tricking once I get my cast off. I'm a social person and I like to talk to people. I may not be too active though because of school. My GMT is -7. I am pretty active in game, I'm on pretty much every day sparring, tricking or doing parkour. I'm more of a replay maker than anything. I haven't used IRC to often but I am willing to become active.

I want to join this clan cause it seems organised and it has good and talented people, most of all, Glimpsed. It'd be cool to be in a clan with these great replay makers; Jodus, Galaxy, Zockinator. Glimpsed is also the amazing person who recommended me to this clan. My history with clans is: Crooks, I left because it died when the leader went inactive. Secondly it was Dr, it was eaten by Ascend and I left that cause it wasn't a very fun clan to be in. Then I was in Vector and left for the same reason as Ascend. I'll hang around IRC and might post around the clan board.

XOXO ~ Love Charlest0n

Btw Skype is Derpycharleston
Attached Files
[S] Omega90 - Spins.rpl (531.8 KB, 5 views)
[S] Gimpsed - Eyy Lmao.rpl (644.1 KB, 4 views)
Last edited by Charlest0n; Sep 1, 2015 at 12:16 PM.
not me