Hey Jack, it's been a while, but this one's a real MASTERpiece


Get it?
Attached Files
#J - Drunken Master.rpl (195.6 KB, 5 views)
Watashi wa chōdo watashi ni chōsen aete hoka no subete no yō ni, anata o shūryō shimasu...
When your madman get's glitched up you're forced to upload another one hit...
Attached Files
PxL_Dizzy.rpl (119.2 KB, 7 views)
I give the best relationship advice

Edit: Just checked the replay, apparently i had some random keyframes, so if this replay makes it in a video, do shift+k in game to get rid of keyframes
Attached Files
[MM] Where is my toaster.rpl (153.1 KB, 7 views)
Last edited by Kozmonaut; Oct 15, 2016 at 09:31 PM.
you're on thin ice, pal
figured i'd shoot some replays your way,
hopefully i am featured
Attached Files
S_Kyoto.rpl (191.9 KB, 4 views)
S_Violent Pornography.rpl (260.5 KB, 4 views)
S_Blue Static.rpl (582.6 KB, 4 views)
S_Palmdale.rpl (200.5 KB, 3 views)
~Smoke Weed