Christmas Lottery
I dont have any good replays since i formatted my comp. This replay kinda sucks tho. Made it real quick. I have an exam this week. And its called mot cuz i dont know wat to call it
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mot.rpl (210.6 KB, 9 views)
aww thanks :3! Yeah i found the kick pretty cool myself but i wasn't sure what to do afterwards because he started flying away and was out of my reach :/ But thanks for the lovely comment <3
mit - opener sucks, and first moves suck overall. And they are stiff :C But then it gets better, decap is decent already and next hits are good.


First good replay I've made since years ago :V

I suck at doing booms right now, forgot all dem shit, but at least I tried to make it more stylish.
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[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Thanks for commemnting.
i dont know how to comment on replays tho so srry if i cant comment urs but i think its good. Gets a bit messy at some part.
Another one
Attached Files
jak.rpl (251.8 KB, 9 views)
Jak: Well I liked those spinny movements, but it kinda lacked some "hot" action, you know, you finished him off pretty nice, and the split-kick was nicely placed, but still. I felt like the replay was missing something.

I just played "rk_russianfight update.tbm" and then I made those 2 very strange replays.
The mod has an Distance of 145 and a dmt of 150, I promised I didn't hack or anything, I guess it either was a bug or an incredibly nice kick. :v Explanation please.
Last edited by Nobuddie; Jan 28, 2014 at 09:56 PM.
first: looked hacked... how the fuck did that brake? xP
second: dito.. how you did that? :P

DsNuB: i dont like the dancing... but the hit in the chest was nice and a standing position is also nice

Jtank: wow .. im impressed. the manipulation was awesome, dont know if the decap was planed but all hits looked good and the standing position at the end ... ftw :P 9/10

attaching a replay... didnt made one in ages
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%Aik a dbstp3.rpl (319.8 KB, 13 views)
Last edited by Aikanaro; Feb 22, 2010 at 06:10 AM.
Aikinaro: Awesome i liked how you split him and then kicked the hands and stuff.
Another replay. I cant skeet at all
Attached Files
fail Skeet.rpl (166.2 KB, 7 views)
Nobuddie: Lolwut?! Uke somehow couldn't resist the stress, but it looks weird, he shouldn't even struggle, and yet there are two dms. What the...

Aikinaro: Start was awesome, the posing... :D. Then it was okay. You grab a lot, but it's your style anyway... Well, if there was no nick attached to this replay, I'd guess it's yours, recognizable ;P

DsNub: Dismembering is okay, one skeet works, make the second hit and replay will be pretty awesome.


Both replays made today. Both suck.
Attached Files
!mehcap.rpl (114.7 KB, 9 views)
!mehsplitcap.rpl (162.8 KB, 8 views)

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
mecap: it was ok. easy decap, beginning was nice, i very like relaxed poses
splitcap: the manipulation was sick. seriously, without grabbing and stuff... just the decap could be better. you could develop it :P