Secret Santa 2024
View Poll Results: should we use my idea?
3 Votes / 75.00%
1 Votes / 25.00%
Voters: 4. You may not vote on this poll
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we gotta wait til Dj (aka Pure Leader) accepts you or not ._.
☼Extreme til the end☼
Kam | Tsukiomi l Pickaxecut l BamBam69 l Linkhunter l Cozzakill | DjPz
ok sounds good any idea how long it will be?
Last edited by Muze; Jun 3, 2011 at 12:11 AM.
Bleep bloop
Picture of yourself: (Not required, but it'd be cool 'n all.)
Belt:3rd dan
Why you want to join Pure:why this is a great clan in a good position in the rank and I wanted to take part to represent the clan in the game
Why we should pick you to be in Pure:the decision is to you if you think I deserve
Were you invited? If so, by who?nobody
Life, ♥Haku, Thalles, Tado,Toriboth, Kagami,<3
[NM],[Undead], [OoT], [h]
As for Foxstorm, I say yes, as you are a black belt now. You'll have to wait for Dj's answer though.

kilermvm: I don't know, belt is good, but your app is quite lacking, it even exludes a few parts from the original. Still staying neutral.
I honestly can't come up with a clever signature.
Foxstorm: Welcome to Pure.

Killermvm: No.
OLDA | Fr3styL | RL | T3AL
R.I.P [Pure] 356 Threads, 19,000 Posts.