soooo remember me wanting to refund noct
tried him again
holy crap op
i jungle him and dont even get wriggles, works great
vamp scepter
berserker greaves
frozen mallet
I start boots + 3 pots using the blue buff route. Works pretty well, but then again, I'm using different runes and masteries than you. I build him as a bruiser as well instead of a glass cannon. Frozen Mallet + Atma's Impaler, and Merc Treads. I just find it counter productive to have a melee glass cannon because whenever you go in to do damage, you'll probably already be dead (against a competent team at least). Only works well on ranged ADs IMO.
i found shen already powerfull... my only problemme is that his W was putting him behind.
I dont understand why make such a change to shen since he can now split push and win top lane like a boss.
I havent tried him yet though but this is what is happenning. (only tried in a bot game so it doesnt count)
It's Mr.AkumaBeast for you! oh and...
Check my inventory if you wish to buy flames.