for start my app i want first say my moderator history:i was moderator of a site that i made with some friends,there i learn basic things such as edits,new threads,organisation,and one of the most important things take decisions.I know how to moderate a page,you need to actualize the threads,close threads that dont need to be there or they are dead,edit and help the members in grammar mistakes,edit useless post and some times deletes them,waring player who break the rules and waring them,one of the most important things if you are going to take a big decision,dont do it alone,ask to other moderators what they think and mabe help you so you dont f**k all,mobe important thread to the principal threads,keep the atention,if you edit something that the player needs to know,always put ~xfoxyx for let him know,be sure what you do,do it professional,and dont even be so stupid to make you a retarder thread that you know that can be deleted,always keep that the threads and all the clan dont get down,sometimes use the commands,and if you are not sure what to do with somethings always ask to your friends moderators,check constatly the threads,read them carrefuly,and edit what is necesarry,also if you get the power of moderator dont be a dick obiusly,just keep the things going good dont fail at yours friends and the clan,take the power of moderating is an important thing,and i think that im ready for this.PS.vbulletin has a simple system i think so its not going to be hard to learn how to use it