Originally Posted by
I can't say I'm sad either. Lots of posts you made when you joined were rubbish and not what I expected of you when I said yes. Also, about the replay posting; I agree with stupidtaco. Why post one of your first replays?
Also, you, Frost, aren't better. You are worse, actually. You got about 200-300 post more since you joined here and a lot of your posts are spam.
Ex. "^ LOL ^" or "Lol" "^ LOL ^
Thank you." and many more.
I, for one, hope you leave as well.
I for one don't give a rats @ss what you think,
don't be hating on me beause im more forum active than you,
I don't care i you want me to leave.
If I leave it'll be in a basket.
If you have a problem with me say it to my face you little punk.
Not over this game, in real life.
Grow up and realize there are more important things in life than being a dick to other people.
Im not afraid of you.
Or anybody else for that matter.
But I'll be the bigger man and
I apologize. I'll stop doing that,
But you need to grow up and send messages out to people the right way.
Before somebody hurts you.