Name 3 things you care about:
My Virginity (oh wait nvm)
my social life
my health
Did I tell you guys I got my first job today? Couldn't believe it, didn't have to apply or anything. The owner was just like "hey, wanna stock coolers? Minimum wage and pay weekly"

hell yeah
Hey guys i am back sorry for being inactive for a LONG time... School is the reason why i am inactive atm.
Life is good when you have friends backing you up
Originally Posted by Gradeger View Post
Did I tell you guys I got my first job today? Couldn't believe it, didn't have to apply or anything. The owner was just like "hey, wanna stock coolers? Minimum wage and pay weekly"

hell yeah

I hope you drop an ice pack on your foot so I can steal your job
I think I might be retired.
Originally Posted by Grohenbird View Post
I hope you drop an ice pack on your foot so I can steal your job

Well you'd have to move to Michigan... :/