What the fuck is wrong with you? Why do you act like a bitch.
You prostitute why can't you be cool like everyone else in this clan?
If you want beef then I'll start it bitch.
Self Description: I am 16 years old and I play toribash and go on forums all the time
I could of picked any clan to send an application to but I chose this clan because I think you guys are a really good clan I am still on my blackberry so can't upload pics and replays.
If I joined the clan I would prove my skill in tourneys and forums/ art work/sets to promote that piratez is a good clan.
Belt and QI: Black Belt / 1048 QI
Past Clans: None
Are you active on forums: yes all the time.
Fav mods: Judo,Akido,Ninjitsu
Replays of fav mod: I can't upload until tomorrow when I'm on the comp but I will be active on forums all the time.
An image of tori: sorry can't yet
P.S: please let me join!!!