I wouldn't want to fight static because he stands up to cancer, so I choose you.
|Opener by Xioi|#KillTheScootCork|
"Cool delfin med solglajjor" -Larfen
Just a note: My old account was sdsman but it got deleted/hacked.

Hi there! I'm Shigiezi, but you can call me Shig if you want.

I am a 16 year old from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, but I currently live in Alberta

I started Toribash about 3 years ago on account called 'sdsman' I honestly don't know how I got that name, even looking at it today, but that's beside the point. I was extremely active and made it into some cool clans.

My past clans on that account were Electric, Ox, Legion, and Aether. On this account my past clans are AOG and Osiris.

I wanted to join TGS because I need a place to settle as I take sparring/parkour/replay making more seriously, I've decided that reason as there are some great players in this clan. For ex. Swexx ( whom which I still call Swexxelite.)

My GMT is -7 because I live in Mountain Time.

This app sucks xD but I'll keep going.

The reason I started playing Toribash is because I saw a kid in class when I was 13 playing this game and I thought it was pretty cool. I decided to try it myself and look where I am now. No where.

Alright i'm done wasting your time with this shit app. Hope I get accepted though. K bye.