Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by The7thVoid View Post
Well... lets get started

You need to apply in those teams. You need approval of 2, out of 3.
2nd Dan Black belt

Explain any bad history or alts you may have, State all your alts, if you use, if yes when and why.
Also state your previous clans and orgs.
Provide in-game crew with replays and in-game style

Provide personalty pack with an about me paragraph
Provide skills team with proof of any skills and abilities you may have that are TB related (art,market,ect

Well I am a 5th Dan almost 6th.
My first account was Sgt. bubbles, but when Dime thought it was cool to scam people when he started playing. That when I got banned, I made the account at his house, so maybe they thought a was an alt I don't know. But I made this account in 10 and played on it ever since.
I was in ultimate when it was first made. Beta sent me a invite because we were friends. I was in Dimes clan that he made, he made a few I was only in it because he was my friend in real life. I don't remember any other clans I was in honestly. I was in VnD corp it was a org Dime and I made for marketing it was really good at first then Dime quit playing tb I think, I don't remember.

Well I am in high school I'm a senior I played football we lost in the first round in the play-offs to the state champs. I been offered to go play at a D-2 college.
I love playing games online on Xbox with friends. I like having a good time playing any game, but I hate to lose. I workout everyday after school with my friends. I Like being around people.

I like to market, that's what I do. I don't know how to show proof about that.

Provide in-game crew with replays and in-game style
Do you mean I have to play people in the clan

Last edited by The7thVoid; Dec 26, 2013 at 06:13 AM.
Originally Posted by -Oz- View Post
Just one, you are now able to advance to the other tests.
Personality Test
Ingame Test
Skills Test

There are separate threads for the three tests. Go to the links above^ and read from there, then inform us that you are ready to be tested.
As Metriakon said, you need approval of 2 out of 3 tests.
lol my bad I went to the personality test link and it took me to page 1 on this thread. So I thought that was the link to that page.
Hey, just cancel my app this is taking to long its been like a week.
I would of been okay if I was actually filling stuff out but I'm not.
Guys. I think we should simple-up our recruitment thread, and get a bit more active. I mean, if the joining into our clan was as simple as writing a decent app we'd have a lot more people in it. I think the standards are different now, they have changed, and long, complicated recruitment processes aren't a good thing now. People would rather do something effortless and join a clan.
If thats true then they shouldnt be in our clan. Good fighting, patient, kind people are hard to come by. So thats what we strive for as a clan. If we simplify it we'll just revert to a clan with a crapload of members and no skill whatsoever that will never want to help out the clan in any way, shape or form.
Last edited by Mystery; Jan 3, 2014 at 04:28 PM.
Originally Posted by Mystery View Post
If thats true then they shouldnt be in our clan. Good fighting, patient, kind people are hard to come by. So thats what we strive for as a clan. If we simplify it we'll just revert to a clan with a crapload of members and no skill whatsoever that will never want to help out the clan in any way, shape or form.

I guess. We'll see how it goes.
My application for [Secret]
Name:FirstHack IRL name:Gaspard
Who requested you to apply:No one
Best mod/mods:Aikidobigdojo,mushu and Aikido
Belt:Brown[My main account wolfkidxD was banned but was 3rd dan black belt because me and my friend was dueling against someone first to 3 for 15k my friend playd first and was about to lose but reset the game and said 0-0 still i said no its 1-0 but again he deopd me AND muted me for a while i was about to lose too he reset the game and then that someone reported us both]
Why You want to join:Because Many people are kind and this clan is also not so active in game and thats what i like but aswell i like the fact that its offical but thats not it the leaders and all members are good at fighting and i hope they will teech me some of there skills
Any bans:One on my main

Here are some replays:
Elite Warrior.rpl (549.3 KB) headpunch3.rpl (19.2 KB) One.rpl (107.4 KB) two.rpl (68.4 KB)

Soz about that Wushu punch one if you guys see it ignor it i clicked it by accident
Attached Files
Elite Warrior.rpl (549.3 KB, 3 views)
headpunch3.rpl (19.2 KB, 3 views)
One.rpl (107.4 KB, 3 views)
two.rpl (68.4 KB, 3 views)
Wushu Punch.rpl (44.1 KB, 4 views)
Last edited by FirstHack; Jan 23, 2014 at 11:10 PM.