Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
Well farming instead of helping your team isn't going to win games.
also at the shyvana comment, i wasn't solo top that game i was bottom with talon
and he fed hardcore

Push your lane, gank another. Don't ignore yours.
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

I'm taking offers for my set
Originally Posted by NoCheerios View Post
Of course you don't need a heal to support, but there are only 3-5 top tier supports, and the rest get stomped on if the enemy knows what they're doing. Alistar, Soraka, Sona, Janna, a maybe a couple of others. Any other support attempts aren't nearly as effective, even if they technically serve the same purpose.

i think you can count leona, nunu and blitzcrank in in certain teamcomps.
666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666
Originally Posted by Hamr View Post

She's been leaked for the past week or so. The numbers were datamined from the beta patch, but they might be tweaked. The skills are as shown though. Looks like a combination of Yi and Riven.

The ultimate is a copy of Juggernaults ultimate from Dota ;)
[GU] [RL][Epic Replay Theard][Realism Player][deviantART]
to be honest. league of legends community lacks in creativity.
666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666
Originally Posted by pinheads View Post
to be honest. league of legends community lacks in creativity.

I want my rikimaru :<
Perma-invisiblity is waaaay too much fun.
I also lost2or3 in a row and when i was going to win i had to leave the game.

From 1400 down to 1250 since its -40 <.<´

But from what i analysed, everytime i play jungler my chance of winning go up to 80%

If im not jungler, i tend to be over agressive on lane and that is making me fail.~

Also numbers is right, ganking is just an extra but it doesnt win games unless you dominate the enemy.
For example when i play wukong i dont gank a lot but when i do gank, my crazy damage allows me to snowball really easy since i normally kill the enemy jungler on a counter gank. IMO Wukong shines in counter ganking because of the high damage.
Last edited by AkumaBeast; Feb 26, 2012 at 11:51 AM.
It's Mr.AkumaBeast for you! oh and...
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