Originally Posted by tori309 View Post

Hey Lordtiger, I saw that Destiny isnt in the roster. What happened did he quit?
Its great having you as the leader of Hunters. Your a great guy. ( Im not in Hunters )

Hey, you should pass by [L]egion so that we can ally.
The leader is Matt.

Thx for reading this Lord. It would be great to be allies.

About the alliance, we'll think.

Originally Posted by xXWolverineWepXx View Post
lol hey check these out!

these are crzy!!!

lol nice
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Originally Posted by tori309 View Post

Hey Lordtiger, I saw that Destiny isnt in the roster. What happened did he quit?
Its great having you as the leader of Hunters. Your a great guy. ( Im not in Hunters )

Hey, you should pass by [L]egion so that we can ally.
The leader is Matt.

Thx for reading this Lord. It would be great to be allies.

As you might already know,destiny did leave a few days ago . I don't know if you're trying to flatter me,if you are,please stop.I'm not the only leader of Hunters,nor am I better than the other one(wiirus) in any way . About the alliance, we will check out your threads and then I'll probably pm your leader.Thanks for the suggestion.

P.S: Wolve , nice videos.Please vote in the clan leader poll if you haven't already
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself:
[16:42]	<Splinter>	Hunters was a terrible clan anyways
[16:42]	<Splinter>	sorry destiny
[16:42]	<destiny>	inorite
[16:42]	<destiny>	i am doc now
[16:42]	<destiny>	:3
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I was on the verge of posting just "orly ?" , but that would've sucked . I hope he's trolling , because it would suck to have a former member agree that we "are terrible"without any facts . Prejudice is one definition of "not making sense"
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself:

This is a vid i had to make for english. Hope you like! (i made it in less than an hour at the last minute so DONT JUDGE MEH! lol)
[Hunters] Look down retard... [Hunters]
You try to get away, yet you only make it quicker.
hey is there a reason why this is unstickied,
Mei fati dominus, mei animi dux
Need to PM a SMod?

Unofficial Skimmer of Discussion!

Fabula Magnus wants more able RPers!
Cataclysm is still alive?


Wiggi must love me forever now.
Because destiny thought it should be when he was one of the leaders - link . Idk why,he did that to a lot of threads in a short time.But we fixed most,thanks for stickying this one
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself:
Originally Posted by UnNaMeD666 View Post
Weeeeheee 2 dan


Also, what do you think of [Space]?
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