Preferred Mods:Wushu akido judo
Referrals (if any):
Previous Clans: none
Infraction Points/Bans (if any):
Talents(Tb related):Mad Men(type of fighting) or parkour
What you will bring to the clan:A great dismemberer and a new member
Other stuff we have to know:
You will need to include 3-5 replays: how u add replays
Preferred Mods:Wushu akido judo
Referrals (if any):
Previous Clans: none
Infraction Points/Bans (if any):
Talents(Tb related):Mad Men(type of fighting) or parkour
What you will bring to the clan:A great dismemberer and a new member
Other stuff we have to know:
You will need to include 3-5 replays: how u add replays
Belt: Black 1st dan.
Preferred Mods: Wushu,Akido.
Referrals (if any): None.
Previous Clans: Started 'banana' but fail, will leave if im accepted here.
Infraction Points/Bans (if any): 14 Day ban, 13 infraction points.
Talents(Tb related): None sorry
What you will bring to the clan: Help, skill, tori credits when possible.
Other stuff we have to know: I'm very hated in wibbles.
You will need to include 3-5 replays.
Attachment 246667
Attachment 246668
Attachment 246669
Attachment 246670
Attachment 246671
The other accounts are my alts,
Pyzam, Woabank and BANCHIERE.
4 reasons why you are rejected.
1. 3 of your replays dnt work.
2. You have two replays as an alt acc "Pyzam" probably because Pyzam was banned.
3. You seem to love getting banned
4. You put 1st Dan as a belt. lmao is this a joke?