Christmas Lottery
-Real Name : Steven
-Age : 15
-Date of Birth : 23 April 1996
-GMT : +8
-Sex : Male
-PlayerCard : I using phone now, so later!
-What chat network do you use
-Are you Irc active : 3/10
-Why you want to join (30+
words or else neglected) : Because i want meet new friends and i think this clan is cool
-Why should we accept you(30+
words or else neglected) : Because i can create a site for our clan and i know you need more member
@ Eustass;

Could you not wait to get home to post your application? Why the hurry? Your lack of playercard disappoints me severely.

-Your reasons for joining are not 30+ words, and they're illegitimate reasons regardless.
-Your reasons for why we should accept you-- Once again. Not thirty+ words. Also, it's very easy to make a website.

Your post count is very low, and your grammar could use some work.

Billy says no.
Have you ever licked Nutella off of a penis?
I love you, MocroGunz.
Eustass, we are a really hard clan to get in,so nah.
I think we should keep the actual name "The Prophecy"
Now about the tag,it also could be [Pro]iCo0n
You know what i'm saying ? ;o
Slanesh what are you waiting for to add that clan bank image?
I can't do it now.
Do you really think you're in control
ico0n put player card in BIG LETTERS on the application form.
It seems that nobody puts it on there.
Originally Posted by koolwhip View Post
We should start hosting bet servers to get our name out there

Hosting a Betting and tourney server like PBets and PTourney? i think we should make it too
i think Im the only one that's vip \o/
Last edited by VSauce; Oct 13, 2011 at 04:06 AM.
i ned freinds ;c