Self Description: Hey Piratez first of all my name is Koar as in Core or you can call me Albert, I live in the US and I'm 15 years old. I'm a black belt with pretty good skill. I'm really respectful to others in game and can bring many surprises in matches. Been playing since 2012 the good times but have taken breaks through out the years. I would love to join this clan as it has many Piratez and that they have Parrots as there pet. You guys have many awesome and skillful people that I would love to play with and hangout.
GMT: -6
Past Clans and why you left them (if any): Electric- left cause they were getting annoying, Jolt- Everyone started leaving, Origin- people were getting inactive, TFO- old clan died when I left tb for a bit was my first clan back in 2012.
Belt and Qi: Black belt, 1356 qi
Are you active on forum?: Yes Captain! I have like 3 posts a day.
Favorite/Best mod: love abd a bit rusty since I came back from a break, greykido, jousting
Three replays of your favorite/best mod: (not required, but we prefer it): Sorry Captain but when I took a break i deleted tb and it deleted all my sweet replays.
I appreciate the opportunity to join andI hope I become a member of Piratez soon!