It's 14k on the market. I think that 8.5k is a great offer.
Thx for telling, now it's less. Market price fixed. Cmon go 8.2k both or 5.4k ivory relax. I know it's not a great deal for me there, but I wanna end up buying those items off you instead of somebody else. Kthx!
[S] Void relax: 65k
I guess you have some guy who can carry your hi-qi items..
Not interested in a void relax, even less at such high price. If you're a void relax seller, I can sell you some of my void relaxes for a bit below 65k. If you're interested, PM me.
Originally Posted by rot3ex
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Thx & TC sent
BTW I NEED A FULL 128s SET!!! Who is selling and what price? Pl0x I wanna buy one xD