You guys know me being Extremely OP in tricking and Realism(That's a flat out lie)
I Present to you a horri- i mean AMAZING attempt at Tricking i bet your dying of excitement right?... Right? No? okay...
Welp here it is Beauty at it's finest.... sort of..
I Made You Guys Arm Band :3 Btw Iprime Sent me Here
Heres The Arm Bands,gbsUYZX
First One Is For The Right Arm
And The Second For The Left Arm Enjoy
Yep! You can thank me and audy for that, the armband idea just popped into my head today. XD. And audy wants to be an ally (clan ally, not single ally)
Since I was not quite sure what to post I decided to post some of my favorite replays, hope you guys enjoy For the record poppy mode was just a fun replay but it's one of my favorites.
Goats are like mushrooms, if you shoot a duck, I'm afraid of toasters.