No, this is not a prank, I'm serious.
I guess it is time for me to leave, I'm gonna miss you guys but it seems I won't come back anytime soon.
And for everyone:
Uby, thanks for being a great captain, I'm sure you can lead Piratez without my help, I leave this clan to you.
Mookiefish, for being a good friend, you secretly lurks around and actually watch over this board.
Yourface, well you are the guy I know for the longest in Toribash. Thank you for everything.
Pawt, I thank you personally for being loyal, can't imagine what would happen now if you weren't here.
Saint, you keep this place active with all kind of stuff, and never fail to 'amuse' me. = D
XPaD, your randomness keeps this place active, keep up the good work.
Perica, I have to say you are one of my best-est friend in Toribash ever.
To everyone I haven't mentioned above, I'm sorry, that doesn't mean I didn't love you guys. :3
Please, be active, I don't want this clan to die. And of course this is not a goodbye, we might meet somewhere who know?
Before I leave, I have one thing to show you.
Well... See you.
Sniff sniff, only 5 active members and I don't even get a shoutout.
I quit. Have fun taking exams in the middle of august.