I'm perfectly aware of the fact it does true damage. 500 true damage though is only by late game without any AP. Level 6, it's only around 300, even with the amount of AP somebody has at that point its only around 350. LB's ult does significantly more damage at level 6. And lb doesn't need to prioritize tankiness, so she will always deal more damage with her ult than cho until the enemy properly itemizes.
And even then, you can counter true damage with pure health. It's not like true damage is some unstoppable, game breaking mechanic, all though it certainly is a pain in the butt.
Shaco is so OP.
I kept getting counter jungled at my own buffs by an Olaf, Skarner and tristana.
Had died around 4 times early game. Was getting mad but just kept farming.
Rushed an inf edge and could take down anyone with a couple of hits. No matter how fed they were.
What the fuck
Also, playing Fiora passively seems to work better 9 times out of 10.
All aggressive Fioras I've seen have been shut down so fast.
They mustve had horrible items or farm if you did that after getting so crushed early game
ive seen fiora a couple times, some fiora player said she sucks and regrets buying her while i think shes very strong overall.
Btw, ive been experiencing a bit of mouse delay lately in lol for no reason, ever happened to anyone?
Leblanc does magic damage, so it can be countered by some mr, which your lane partner will probably have. True damage is true damage. Chogath is so good because he can build quite tanky, and still do decent damage. Like Irelia, but ap.