Top lane is where cho usually is, unless he's jungling. Top lane tends to build tanky dps. Top lane naturally will get health. Top lane has now built against true damage. True damage CAN be itemized against, it's just not as an effective counter as armor or mr is to ad or ap.
And besides, cho having damage while being tanky is the whole point of cho... arguing that he needs reduced damage because he can deal damage while still being tanky would then bring into question several tanks capabilities of being tanky while still performing good damage. Singed can be virtually impossible to die and still wreck havoc with his q and fling. Amumu if left unchecked can perform horrendous damage with despair. Malphite can fuck up single targets easily. Rammus can fuck up the whole team easily. Shen can fuck up the whole team easily. The only difference between these tanks and cho is that cho's damage is all burst. Everybody else has aoe dot, which is much more damage in the long run, or just plain dot, which causes a tank to be a constant threat.
uric if you agree then i have to advise you to gank more as shaco because its strange that you die on early levels even with an invade by the enemy.
No one was saying Cho's damage was too high, I was just saying his cooldown at lvl 6 should be increased. Cho fucks shit up bot lane with an ashe. Their sustain doesn't even matter because once they hit lvl 6 you're bound to die. ashe arrow, + crit + volley + cho spike thing + cho silence + cho ult will cut you into 10 pieces. And with cho gath there, you can't push the lane, his asshole abilities make you scared.
Ashe arrow has a much longer cd than cho's feast. Ashe's ult will only be used on champions, while cho has to nom minions to be useful by the end of the game. Cho's ult will not always be up when ashe's is up. When it is up, it's still dependent on that arrow landing for the kill. And even then, cho now has significantly reduced usefulness in late game due to subpar farm and support items rather than the ap/tanky items he would have with solo top.
And besides, using that logic, anybody with heavy burst paired with ashe fucks up bottom lane. It doesn't have to be just cho. Shove in lb and you have the exact same situation.