Originally Posted by MocroGunz View Post
I missed you Blacky, and honestly I wondered if you've quit toribash or not.
I hope to see you ingame some day.

Missed you too Mocro, you've gone very success now. ;)
I haven't quit, I was just trapped in real life's busyness, so i can't access toribash and internet freely sometime ago.
And yeah, hope we could catch up ingame some day.

Originally Posted by Litc View Post
Yeah, so someone remember me?

Of course man.
Sup with your inactivity ?
Originally Posted by count3rl33 View Post
nice to hear that litc, I wonder if you could make more replays now, since yours have always been very creative

of course, here some of my best!
Attached Files
litc_balanced.rpl (264.4 KB, 8 views)
litc_fast_motion.rpl (148.8 KB, 6 views)
litc_striker.rpl (111.6 KB, 10 views)
Originally Posted by Blackacezi View Post
Missed you too Mocro, you've gone very success now. ;)
I haven't quit, I was just trapped in real life's busyness, so i can't access toribash and internet freely sometime ago.
And yeah, hope we could catch up ingame some day.

Yeah, I guess you could say I've done what many can only dream of.
It really doesn't affect my attitude towards anything. I still think I'm poor, and I still think I'm a nub marketer, and shit... xD
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@Mocro: I dont want to sound rude or anything but yet you aren't one of the greates :P
You're probably on the best way towards it, but you aint done yet ;)

btw: you're still closer then me, so whatever
Originally Posted by MocroGunz View Post
Yeah, I guess you could say I've done what many can only dream of.
It really doesn't affect my attitude towards anything. I still think I'm poor, and I still think I'm a nub marketer, and shit... xD

Yep, and good to hear that. ;)
Cause people nowadays attitudes are easily changed if they get more credits, things, nor social level imo.
Originally Posted by OrangeAid View Post
Sorry i was gone for 3 days i bought saints row 3...

Ooh I love that game. Finished it though sadly.

Some secret of mine

Bet you didn't know, this is a signature
That game is soo cool. Finished it too, sad on the first ending, but heroic on the other one. ;)

Anyways, somebody here still playing portable games like PSP ? I want to ask some good RPG games for PSP. Hope someone still because Vita has already released now. :/