Christmas Lottery
Oh, that's being serious?
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Originally Posted by TheSecret View Post
yh, french people on LoL are big time noobs, thats the stereotype. also metri you have no right to call me by my other name, has i am the artist formerly known has shemen.

And if you are jelly of that anal, get a sth dildo shaped and have fun.

so sex.And yh i'm noob but being a noob is funnieh cause i can do all the thing i want (like morgana jungle)
French Froggy
I feel the surge of ripping my shirt of due to suspicious activity
Last edited by MRootz; Aug 27, 2012 at 11:13 PM.
no no kuna, BRBRBRBR HUEHUEHEUHEUHEUHE MORDEKAISER ES NUMER UNI! is ok and theres a server for those animals to troll now, but frenchmen, im yet to see one that can play right and not get dominated by me or feed on my team.
And then black face came from no where BWAAZWOOOM he shawt frank in the head