Kreativity i admit tf2 is worth the wait but once you have had to re-download it 4 times , Then no it's definately
NOT worth the wait because after like every month it makes me re-download it for some stupid reason . and also DEAD ISLAND IS SO FUN!!
oh and also i cant really get a less faggy name Danzos sorry , but i dont have 100k to waste and if you would be willing to give me 100k to change my name then i would let you tell me the name to put but i wouldnt put it as anything like Penis,GayFag,ILoveDick yea nothing like that ;) and also i got so bored so i decided to make some type of logo thing
here it is.
Last edited by phantom; Nov 1, 2011 at 12:45 PM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump