MocroGunz, what the hell is what? Oh, btw, I'm not Maylene.
Appledosa, I think that you miss the main point all the time :l
We "accept" "noobs" because everyone has to get a chance to prove themselves. They did a good job making a somewhat of a decent app, why won't we test them out then? Since we(I) care about the awesome personality someone might have. Not to mention that they all are on test period. Urghh. whatever.
I think that for now we have to process the newly gotten members, etc.
just as Maylene stated above, REFRAIN FROM POSTING RIDICULOUSLY SHORT POSTS LIKE "lol" OR ANYTHING THAT IS LESS THAN ONE SENTENCE. Srsly, people. We might get uncool if our members continue posting stuff this random and short(mostly short). And by uncool i mean UNABLE TO GET OFFICIAL, GODDAMNIT.
Also, for the past few days I've got this unbearably cute(or horrible) obsession with Alice(in wonderland).
I'm playing American mcgee's Alice. Revives some ingrained images of my childhood.... Used to play it while being a little kid ._.
<3 my parents for buying such games xd
Though, it was just a little misunderstanding..... and it made me a bit more like I'm now. spoiled.