Hello, Phantoms. I am TwinSeed, but, by all means, refer to me as Twin or Kate; if you wish to be formal, address me as my full screen name or Katherine. I want to say right now that I'm not actually a girl, yet, rather, I'm a male-to-female transsexual. If you wish to talk to me about my gender identity disorder (GID), I don't mind if you do it publicly.
I'm almost 17 years old, and pride myself most of all in my writing abilities. When I was born, I was affected by a condition known as clubbed foot, or, as the doctor described my case, clubbed leg, which just means that it was a little more severe. I've had several surgeries to correct it, but I still don't trust it, which is why I can't play sports, run, twist, or do anything active. Unfortunately, the condition is hereditary, and it was a problem for my mom when she was younger as well.
I'm just going to continue to go up through my life now, listing important things.
I don't remember much about my dad; either we left him or he left us when I was young. That's enough for me to form an opinion or distrust and general hate. I do remember that he'd make up lies that he has gifts for us, but our mom wouldn't let us have them; to this day, I don't know if that's true or not, and, to be honest, I don't care anymore.
When I was in elementary school, I don't remember what grade, I met a girl who we'll call Cierra. The first girl I liked. I'd told her that I liked her once, but she didn't pay any mind to it. I was suddenly uprooted and forced to move, because the landlords wanted to do something else with their property. We'll revisit this young wonder in a bit.
The next event I can remember is meeting another girl, we'll call her Brooke. Of course, being a teenager, I developed a little crush on her... and three of her friends. Unknown to me, though, was the fact that Brooke would be one of the worst people I'd meet in my young life. There were times when she'd lie about one of her friends that I'd become quite fond of, let's call her Sara, to keep me away. One instance that I remember clearly is Sara saying that her mom refused the idea of me visiting, while Brooke claimed that she hadn't even asked her mom. I'm mostly over that, but still pretty mad, even though it's been a couple of years.
That brings us to now. I'm over most people from my past, except Cierra. I recently came back into contact with her. It turns out that she's very ambitious, and happy, and outdoorsy, and has lots of talent. You may think that this is a good thing, but then consider comparing yourself to her. She's fun, and she's happy, she can write and draw very well, she's beautiful, and she has things that she wants to do with her life. How would you feel about yourself after knowing that? I can only tell you how I felt finding out: pathetic. I'm a sad, indoors person, that most people would feel sorry for. Now that I've found her again, my only ambition left is for society to recognize me as a female, the way I do myself. I can only write fairly well, compared to her poem that went far into the Young Writers competition. We don't talk now; I've decided that it was best for the both of us if we stayed strangers.
Now for my Toribash life
According to my profile, I joined Toribash back late last year; I'll just have to take its word for that, because I don't have a very good memory. The clans I've been a part were:
Bleu, when didn't even fully understand what a clan was;
Pulse, because I was just learning about the community and trying to make friends;
Frost, because I already had friends in it;
SSDD, because... I don't even know why.
Those are the only clans that I can remember, but I'm sure there were more.
During my time in the previously mentioned groups, I've gained an understanding of how they work; all except for wars, which I'm not very concerned with. Knowing what I do, I feel like I'd only add to the good name of Phantom. I'm a black belt still, despite playing a lot. My best and favorite mod is Aikido Big Dojo. I know that my low win-lose ratio looks bad, but that's because when I play, I usually don't try too hard; honestly, why should I if I'm not being tested for a clan, in a war, or dueling? Sure the 500 at the end of the tourney is nice, but I'm not even sure how I want to look on here yet. I used to have both a strawberry and watermelon set! I loved them, but think I sold them, because of greed...