[--:--:--] LT: I never argued with your point
[--:--:--] [Hunters]SilentAssassin: Yay, that means I may not have another flame argument
[--:--:--] LT: I doubt that
[--:--:--] LT: I don't even believe that Hitler was insane
[--:--:--] LT: You assume that at one point he flipped and started being all evil and messiah-like
[--:--:--] LT: Which doesn't make that much sense in my eyes
[--:--:--] [Hunters]SilentAssassin: I'd like to think that it was a gradual fall into insanity
[--:--:--] LT: I think it's more likely that he was biding his time, getting as popular as he possibly could before even attempting something that he knew people would never support before he was their hero
The above is part of a conversation me and Silent had a bit after that. What Silent is saying that Hitler was a capable leader, and that is as undeniable as the atrocities he committed later in his career. If he wasn't a good leader, he never would have been able to rise in power and to have enormous influence over his citizens. He never said he approved of his actions during the war and the holocaust, he simply remarked that before those events Hitler was a favorite everywhere. And if you trust history, it would be hard to dispute that. And you have to remember that Hitler couldn't possibly kill vast numbers of people on his own. In fact, I doubt he himself murdered that often, if ever. He was just one man, one man can't kill millions of people on his own. The armies he commands can, though. It's another thing I will probably never understand, the soldier's mentality. They are basically pawns who spend their lives living by orders and occasionally dying by other soldiers' orders. That willingness to completely submit to an authority is ludicrous to me.
Last edited by lordtiger; May 3, 2016 at 09:45 PM.
Reason: NSA