Sounds fun shook it can be viable if you use it right for sure, altough parrying may just be more effective. But it all depends on how you play the game.

If you ever feel bad about your ds skill, and have about, uhh, 3-7 hours to spare, go watch This Is How You Dont Play Dark Souls (1, 2, 3 +dlc, your choice)
Last edited by duck; Jun 9, 2016 at 08:39 AM.
Hee, maybe i will! Although after pretty much blowing through the first few areas and bosses of the game with BRUNHILDE (fat club lady), it dawns upon me that i have actually gotten better. That, and boosting vigor early helps a lot. :U (also Vordt's greathammer is surprisingly powerful)

Also re: Gundyr, he and Pontiff are two bosses who can be pretty much trivialized by skilled parrying. Blocking is not terribly effective against Champion Gundyr though, because many of his attacks deal a shit ton of stamina damage, even against a shield with 78 stability, and as you know, he just KEEPS ATTACKING (and getting shield broken here will probably get you juggled to death in short order, but damn if they aren't some smooth moves). Most notably is the shoulder check, which comes out of nowhere, takes off like a third of my stamina bar and stuns me almost as long as an actual knockdown. It is also in cases like these where a slow weapon will get you wrecked. :v
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Ds is fun in that way. It looks hella daunting from the start, but when you get used to it it becomes fun as heck

Yeah, both gundyr and pontiff become training dummies if you can parry. Champion gundyr is a,bitch to beat even after that tho. His first phase is pretty much just iudex over again, but if that fucker hits you with his charge or the combo that leads to the kick you better pray to find a window for healing. Not even gonna mention the bullshit antics of the floor shards that come from him smashing the ground hitting you.

Vigor is nice too, but after 40 diminishing returns becomes pretty visible, but 40 vigor is a whole lot. If you use a shield endurance is a bigun to focus on

Blocking can be effective though, you gotta learn dodging too. Everytime I used a shield I pretty much only blocked a second before a hit, then dodged or blocked again depending on the follow up.

Hope you have fun with big club hilda, try to get the dragon tooth too ;)
Blocking is a whole lot more effective here than in DS2 actually, since some enemies will take counter hit damage after recoiling, plus the Dragonslayer Shield has a GG-tier shield bash that knocks people the fuck down. It's amusing, to say the least. :U

also having acquired a full Evangelist set (including spiked mace with Heavy infusion) i can now say that BRUNHILDE has ascended to full fatty mode

I've never seen it cause bleed before the enemies die, but that just serves as a textbook example of why you should be wary of fatty. :v
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
You guys remember when this thread was toribash related? Me neither.
|Opener by Xioi|#KillTheScootCork|
"Cool delfin med solglajjor" -Larfen
Originally Posted by Shook View Post
Blocking is a whole lot more effective here than in DS2 actually, since some enemies will take counter hit damage after recoiling, plus the Dragonslayer Shield has a GG-tier shield bash that knocks people the fuck down. It's amusing, to say the least. :U

also having acquired a full Evangelist set (including spiked mace with Heavy infusion) i can now say that BRUNHILDE has ascended to full fatty mode

I've never seen it cause bleed before the enemies die, but that just serves as a textbook example of why you should be wary of fatty. :v

Nice on the evangelist set. I think I might be missing the helmet. BRUNHILDE is someone I would love to pvp someday ;o

I got into ng+4 and decided to go with a sorcerer. Vordt fucked me over more times than he collectively has up to now lol. Sad thing about some of the harder challenge runs (fists only, torch only, etc.) is that they are pretty much a question of "Can I kill yhorm"

I also found out that the profaned greatswords heavy weapon art is a golf swing, time to knock people off of bridges

Originally Posted by Mack View Post
You guys remember when this thread was toribash related? Me neither.

Pretty sure this thread hasnt been tb oriented since the cold rainy winter night of 1983
hey u cant just do that
discussing things isnt allowed here go away

if u wana discuss yhen WHY NOT IRC
because my hands will be kill


Also Gargon re: Yhorm he's only really a problem if you don't rescue SIEGWARDBRO. You can still distract the big oaf by punching his ankles ineffectually, which would let Siegward do his thing. :v
Also also yes sorc's have a hard start, Vordt is waaaaaaaay too much in your face for you to be able to cast any stronk spells without getting smashed for your efforts. It also takes a while before you get any really good spells, i.e. soul spear (although clerics have it even harder than that), so generally i hope you like soul arrows. :U

also also also i'm pretty bad at pvp and i don't really enjoy it but i guess BRUNHILDE isn't entirely unviable given that she managed to klopf one highly ineffectual invader?? (i mean really, this guy dealt like one centimeter worth of damage to my embered 20 vigor health bar per hit, how on earth does he expect to win invasions with such shitty damage output)
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Originally Posted by Shook View Post
because my hands will be kill


Also Gargon re: Yhorm he's only really a problem if you don't rescue SIEGWARDBRO. You can still distract the big oaf by punching his ankles ineffectually, which would let Siegward do his thing. :v
Also also yes sorc's have a hard start, Vordt is waaaaaaaay too much in your face for you to be able to cast any stronk spells without getting smashed for your efforts. It also takes a while before you get any really good spells, i.e. soul spear (although clerics have it even harder than that), so generally i hope you like soul arrows. :U

also also also i'm pretty bad at pvp and i don't really enjoy it but i guess BRUNHILDE isn't entirely unviable given that she managed to klopf one highly ineffectual invader?? (i mean really, this guy dealt like one centimeter worth of damage to my embered 20 vigor health bar per hit, how on earth does he expect to win invasions with such shitty damage output)

I guess yeah, onionbro helps. It just kinda defeats the purpose of an X only run, but yeah. Tried to get a few soul streams into vordt but I found spamming soul arrow to be much more useful. Orbeck is pretty close tbh, so some better sorceries are coming.

Oh man yeah, some people are pretty bad at pvp, not that I am not one of them. I mean, I managed to fonk over a havel monster with a longsword, while cosplaying as gundyr. PVP is too fun to pass up tho, even tho I have probably only won like 3 times in normal invasions, its still fun. (oh yeah, shitty damage invaders are pretty fun, usually let them spam at me for a few moments and then rek em)