View Poll Results: agree
9 Votes / 64.29%
2 Votes / 14.29%
i'd rather leave
3 Votes / 21.43%
Voters: 14. You may not vote on this poll
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Basically we need at least 4 members. I need to register more than 4 just in case.

So the roster so far:


I will PM XPaD and Roland to ask them if they can join. As we can't add or remove any members after we send the app having more members could make us eligible to compete. Hopefully we won't have problems arranging times and getting 4 members ingame.
I'll be away at 26 until 28 this month, we need at least 2 more members, just to keep it safe in case 1 or 2 members are away.
I haven't try any of the mods listed and have no idea how it works, if you see me in-game, hop in and teach me. :P
Last edited by Sicks; Jul 20, 2014 at 04:52 AM.
Yeah, I'll play. Been pretty inactive recently, so there's a 25% chance I won't be able to play most games. Actually been busy with stuff.
<[T]Oblivion>plz sign my shirt.
<[T]Oblivion> roland im ur biggest fan
Okay then. I contacted perica on facebook and he said that he will be able to play once he is back from a trip.

So the current roster:


So everyone is okay with it? I haven't left out anyone, right? Once I send in the application we can't remove or add members.
8 should be enough.
Me and Razor can only play at morning and night, and if Roland somehow can't make it we still have 5 members.
I think we're ready.
Perhaps we should have thrown in our full roster. Should I edit my post and put the full roster?
Oh shit. I should have went through all the posts faster in that thread. Apparently all 48 spots are already filled. I didn't think that it will be already full with 10 pages. I'm actually dissapointed in myself. Sorry for letting you guys down.
Last edited by Uberis; Jul 20, 2014 at 06:05 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I'm sad because it was a chance for us to do something together. Events with such prize pools are great for motivation and it doesn't seem meaningless. And it was a good chance to redeem myself for not organizing anything here. Oh well, I guess if all of you are still up for playing the game together we can make a clan war happen or something. Must redeem my mistake somehow.
Yeah I'm on a lot. I'd be happy to play with you guys anytime, we don't need big occasions to play.
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