Christmas Lottery
I've been thinking, I want to sell my account(no, I won't leave toribash:P) but I need $ buy TF2:3

I'll sell my account with no items, no tcs..just qi and posts
I think I can sell it for $20..
Best signature ever.
Nah, don't sell your account man

All those hours logged for a measly $20? That's like 0.0005 dollars an hour.

There's gotta be a better way to get $20, mow somebody's lawn, clean gutters (there's gotta be a bunch of shit in people's gutters after all this rain [actually, i don't know if it's been raining where you live lol]), work a day washing dishes or something.
My shop
here's a thought, tell your mom you'll do charity work for a full day for 20$. You meet nice people, do a good bit of work to help people out, and you might meet a good friend too.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
-Mohandas Gandhi
Well...thank you guys.
I like your ideas:3
I think I'll do some "charity" for $20.

Wait: NVM!
I told to my mom
"Mom, can I use my debit card and buy a $20 game?"
and she said "no, cause the site isn't safe, what would happen if they buy everything with your debit card!?, NO WAY!"
and I was like "come on!, wth it is safe, it has very nice games, Please!"
and then she said "We'll talk about this tomorrow, with your dad"

GUYS; any of you can give me a copy of the game or something?
or can you give me $20?
Last edited by carloz01; Mar 25, 2010 at 03:13 AM.
Best signature ever.
tell her this; thousands of people have already bought off this same site and enjoyed it, they would've said something if there cards were stolen.
Another thing; This store is made, owned, and maintained by the makers of this game, and they have millions of people on it everyday.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
-Mohandas Gandhi