Name (in game): Kaiokay
Belt: 4th dan.
Favorite Mod (aikido, wushu, jousting, twinswords, tk, kickbox etc.): Wushu
Activity-InGame/Forum (HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW): High
Why do you wanna join? (put some effort into this)I have alot of friends this is a great clan almost all my old friends are in this clan this clan is getting bigger and I want to be apart of its uprising !!
Are you respectful?:Yes very sir !!!
Do you swear overall loyalty?:Yes I do!!!
Do you make textures?:Yeah but im not that good though T_T!!
How will you benefit the clan?:I will make great replays to put in clan vid keep clan active and also make great thread !!
Ban/Infraction History:None I know of.
Anything else you want to add:I have alot of friends in this clan demaster10,trikskier,and tagknife demaster and me was in the same clan also so was me and tagknife I am very good and can bring alot to this clan I can kepp it active and among other things it also can do alot of me it can help me get better.
Post One Replay of Yourself in Classic Mod: Im not on my laptop right now and I dont have many replays on my notebook but I will see what I have if there any good I will put them on here k , Also tag it me yuramishi!!!
Last edited by kaiokay; Feb 18, 2011 at 03:07 AM.