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How did you become a staff member?
-hanz0 asked who wanted to be an art mod and i said "sure".
-art board mod forever.
-moderated/lead most of the art orgs
-woke up one morning and gman had made me a PTdev for some reason, dunno why, didnt even know what a PTdev was, then pt died.
-applied to be an smod eventually, didnt get it, but got infraction rights in the art board instead.
-applied for smod again, was made an Smod, then kitfox and blaknwyte compared me to a tomato and had it removed befor i even knew i had been promoted. (very confusing, seeing all the "congrats on smod" messages)
-a month or two later i decided Id had enough and was gna leave, so slipanc made me Smod and "art overlord" instead.
-resigned after 6-9 months or something, not sure, Smod wasnt the position for me, still art mod with rights though.