Lol , the guy's from crazy frog xd

Anyway fudg can make good mods , rock and me saw them , they ar awesome.
Also , i have no monney at tc god dammit :l
Originally Posted by kameron View Post
So, my VIP just ran out :c

Might have to get it again some time soon...
I miss having a post background :c

I know that feeling even i don't have it XD
For the same thing now with tc
Good for you, Muun.

So, my mum has gone on a holiday with my little sisters.
Party at my place? c:

Wait, my dad is staying with me while mum's gone. No parties :c
Originally Posted by XxMK1xX View Post
Wish I had a car.

Spare for it

I wish i had a girl , also a car but now i want a scooter to drive to school :3
Being here, milking goats and stuff.
Pies still are awesome, though w/e
There's no free net here, so I'm forced to pay for it.
Everything went just as expected. Also, on my way here I got stuck in a lift.... with free WiFi
was fun, etc.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc