View Poll Results: What type of art do you prefer?
Simple and Cartoony
1 Votes / 12.50%
Detailed and Complex
3 Votes / 37.50%
I like them both
4 Votes / 50.00%
0 Votes / 0%
Voters: 8. You may not vote on this poll
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Wooo. a lots been said when i was off.. beats im sorry for this time. my gf and i got into a bad argument and i went on a two day party streak and im now coming down.... it was depresing. haha
No problem clappers. I am not that active on friday and saturday eveninngs too
Yesterday I wanted to play drunk and started to sleep while playin
Haha i love moments like that. special in my computer chair its leathers and uncomfortable to sleep in but i daze off hardcore when im intoxicated
Originally Posted by clappers View Post
Haha i love moments like that. special in my computer chair its leathers and uncomfortable to sleep in but i daze off hardcore when im intoxicated

It's nice that I have a laptop and was lying in my bed.
Well any1 wnna give me a laptop?
And nice replays
Last edited by ICKYVICKY; Feb 23, 2014 at 06:36 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
yeah im not fond of laptops cause i always break them in like a couple months. and btw clan [I] wants a war if you wanna wage