i main orianna mayself. ahris lane dominance is hardly matched by other champs. thanks to oriannas passive i can stand up against kassadin fE but ahri and especially post level 6 ahri is extremely hard to hit with your q and thanks to foxfire you CANT zone ahri. so the whole concept of orianna is countered. shell just go for direct trades with foxfire and heal herself up afterwards. her mobility on ultimate and her insane damage on the same combined with the damage on foxfire and her q AND her taunt ist just aweful to play against. you cant really zone her. you cant go for direct trades. shell almost always come out ahead. anyways i feel like ahri is the best counter to orianna (though i win the matchup quite often ).
ziggs got over 850 range on each of his spells and has a similar passive. his spells got about the same hitbox and the same utlity disables for the enemy team. his pro: his laning is about 500 times stronger than oriannas and each of his spells outranges oriannas though they almost do the same thing. he got a much weaker version of oris ult as e spell. just as an example.
his cons compared to her: he doesnt have the support and cc abilities she has (second one does only count if her ult is up)
but actually in lane ziggs is a stronger version of orianna.
and i really dislike it when people lead into a conversation with : "...-and youre completely wrong"
Together with cassiopeia ,orianna is my strongest pick and about 1.5-1.5,5k elo strong.
itīs not that stronk but i think i can say i know how to play her quite well. i got every skin for her and i am a orianna fanatic so
also something that hasnt anything to do with orianna:
Ap soraka is a complete lane beast.
Lolpro and every other counterpick program suggests ahri as counterpick to orianna.
heres someone who was smart enough to copy a post of a person whoms english is better than mine:
It's a shame too, what with being the only 100% difficulty character other than Cassiopeia.
There's just no benefit to playing her now that Ziggs has better zoning, better long range harass, more use in teamfights (with his ult), and a weaker version of Orianna's ult ON HIS NORMAL ability.
It's funny, because she's been nerfed specifically BECAUSE of her supposed extreme zoning ability, but now they released Ziggs who has an 850 range nuke that can bounce even further, an almost instant-cast aoe slow and damage, and a AOE knockback that can be used as a dash if timed right.
Now I'm not harping on Ziggs, he looks fun to play and i'm 2000 ip short of him myself, but Riot's Balancing staff ( not "Riot", as in the whole of riot staff), has kinda gone against their own word on this one.
I believe Xypherous said that the main characteristic of Orianna was her range.
So by nerfing her range (and her damage, mind you) they've made her bland.
Then, by releasing Xerath and Ziggs, they've made it so that there's no real reason to play her.
I''m serious on this. Name me one good reason. Her shield has a 0.4 AP ratio, which is terrible late game. Her harass is horrible unless you get blue buff and max W first, her ultimate is probably one of the worst in the game , considering how hard it is to get off right, and the high cooldown, low damage it has.
You do know you need to give people a reason to learn a hard character , right?
Last edited by pinheads; Mar 18, 2012 at 06:13 AM.
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