Woohoo! Came back safely from Korea. I think I should've bought more stuff cause I only got Adidas shoes while my sisters bought around 50 items. Had a good time and I recommend you guys go there too.
Some secret of mine
I just wasted 2 seconds of your life and in that time, you could have gotten a job.
We dont really need to vote becuz itīs the leadersīs and co ldrīs decission.If a member wants to say something about that member then he should pm the ldr or the co ldr.At least it should be like that.
Copy and paste time for Count a traditional fermentedKoreandish made of vegetables with a variety of seasonings.There are hundreds of varieties of kimchi made with a main vegetable ingredient such as napa cabbage, radish, scallion or cucumber. Kimchi is also a main ingredient for many Korean dishes such as kimchi stew