Woohoo! Came back safely from Korea. I think I should've bought more stuff cause I only got Adidas shoes while my sisters bought around 50 items. Had a good time and I recommend you guys go there too.

Some secret of mine

Bet you didn't know, this is a signature
Dude kimchi was almost in every place we ate in. I like spicy stuff, I like kimchi.

Some secret of mine

Bet you didn't know, this is a signature
guys, do you vote when someone want to join your clan? if you did, can I also vote? Cause me as an ally I want the best for this clan. =))
“Confidence is like a dragon where, for every head cut off, two more heads grow back
We dont really need to vote becuz itīs the leadersīs and co ldrīs decission.If a member wants to say something about that member then he should pm the ldr or the co ldr.At least it should be like that.
Originally Posted by count3rl33 View Post
what exactly is kimchi?

Copy and paste time for Count a traditional fermented Korean dish made of vegetables with a variety of seasonings.There are hundreds of varieties of kimchi made with a main vegetable ingredient such as napa cabbage, radish, scallion or cucumber. Kimchi is also a main ingredient for many Korean dishes such as kimchi stew
Kimchi was almost the only thing I ate in Korea.

Some secret of mine

Bet you didn't know, this is a signature