Hey guys I'm in way to practice some new video editing.
I will post the link here (you can only accsess by having the link, so the video is secret)
When I finish the upload. Obiously if you post after me then I will have to post the link in a new post.
This one is pretty cool, for being made in 2 hours aprox, its very cool.
Hope you like it
Edit: Here you got it, Call it, a fast Wip(Sorry for the messed sync >.< damn pc)
Last edited by LatinBlade; May 26, 2012 at 04:38 PM.
@Latin:oh, come on dude! I know you can do way (!) better than this. You got an epic laid back song, a sick replay and a good knowledge of editing. So why do you put the same replay two times in there and have such a unsteady freecam?
Since the song is very laidback and smooth, you could record it the same way (would also fit perfect to the replay).
Just add a calmer cam, a decent color correction and speed up the replay a little bit. Would be way better ;)
Lol no problem count, also I had the replay 2 times because my friend recorded it 2 times for me with different cams, the 1 is the crazy cam made by me, and the other replay was freecam'd by vate, to test this, is for an event, that said "do art with 1 replay" and I thought I can use only one replay to do art, but now they said I can use more than one so I will change something on that repeatness of the video xD
Also I tried to do a non ultra flash awesome lazo00o0oorz video because Idk, maybe it looks more clean with this.
Laidback and smooth? you say it for the camera moving fail or the fps not smooth?
Last edited by LatinBlade; May 27, 2012 at 09:35 AM.