Christmas Lottery
View Poll Results: Diman1995 member or not?
3 Votes / 75.00%
1 Votes / 25.00%
Voters: 4. You may not vote on this poll
View Poll Results

urrent qi/Belt (min. 2000/2nd Dan Black Belt):2nd
Timezone:+8 gmt
Preffered Mode (Must be out of these - Wushu/Judo/TKD): Judo and Wushu
Why you want to join:Because I am clanless and yah
Msn; dun have but my skype account is philipchen430
Okay, I'll test you later tonight. If you see a room called hybrid, then join it. I'll be in spec as usual.
Belt: black rak 2142 and qi 2040
Date of Birth:21 june 1994
Country: south africa
Timezone: cat
Favourite Mode (Wushu/Kickbox/Judo/Aikido/Sambo/BetaBox): wushu
Favourite Band: bon jovi
Favourite Game (other than TB): medal of honour
why you want to join: i could be valuable as a member cuz i think im beter than my belt (no arrogance). Im looking for a clan that is active in-game and is a tight unit. im hoping to find that here.