Christmas Lottery
Agree... but... last word is ur nathan. In my opinion we shuld, need change.
Gusy wath u think abaut it. I agree with torideath MAYBE without truste menber...
and thx for it ToriDeath.
Belt:Black belt but 699 games untill 2nd dan

Fav Mods:Instagibfeet with dist at 250 (can teachheli kick)

Why you want to join:For starters your name is prototype(FUKIN AWESOME NAME...and game)and at some time ive come across most of you and know that ur all kick ass u can accept me...XD
did i do somthing i being cool if i get in would i be able tog et in clan vid too?
I have an anouncment i now have shaders with full settings except fluid blood, so i dunno if u care about the blood but if u do i torideath will get the records of the replays