@doggy:9/10...it was perfect but the first kick could have connected more though =].....the punch was AWESOME!...the skeet was very direct and on point so very nice job *applause*
@sind:5/10....the first kick missed but that doesn't matter since you did a manipulation replay =]...the actually manipulation was slow imo and the kick you did following the manipulation only took off uke's leg i believe you could have let go of the grab hand and kicked uke in half instead :P...and i also think you need to aim your hit better because when you kicked ukes arm off you could have kicked his head off if you would have let go of the grab hand you had...also you should try using shift+space to use only 1 frame because it will hwlp improve you aim when hitting...and you need to work on your transitioning also and by that i mean like when you throw a kick you have to be able to get into a position that enables you to throw another kick or either a punch or even possible a skeet =]
VVVmy replays =]