Trials once said something about 170k I think...
I'm not sure though.

But that's because it was a 512x512 set I think.
And because it looks really nice

You can also get sets for 15k
EPIC Flame particle texturing SHOP
kinda inactive though
Originally Posted by TheDog96 View Post
Oh... I see. Trials, how much did cost the set Trials10 had?

Was around 30k I believe.

Originally Posted by diveX View Post
Trials once said something about 170k I think...
I'm not sure though.

But that's because it was a 512x512 set I think.
And because it looks really nice

You can also get sets for 15k

I haven't got a 512 set. >.>
I think some idiot offered 170k he didn't have for it.
But I still have the set, it's the Atlantic texture set now.