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Ninja Warrior Season 2 Public Votes
Greeting Challengers !

Inscription post :

[SPOILER="Videos"]Challengers presentation :

The first stage presentation, The Runners Collapse :

Vote presentation :

The second stage presentation, The Amazon Forest :

The Amazon Forest is now completed. There is the 3rd Challenge : The Sand Village !

Lost in the middle of the desert, our challengers have now to pass the deadly village !

The Sand Village Presentation

We had 5 Anonymous Judges, only 3 did survive (well, 2 and a half...). So, I have results from two judges and the 3 first votes from a third. To you remember, each judges had to make their "Top 5 favorite replays". The first replay of each list gain 5 points, the second of each list gain 4 points, etc.

The Final results for the second stage (I am working on the video) :
(The numbers between the ( ) are the votes + judges points)

1st > Rune : 27 (19+4+4)
2nd > Victor4554 : 19 (11+5+3)
3rd > Toriito : 15
4th > Tsuion : 12 (5+5+2)
5th > Gezik00 : 11 (1+10)
6th > Bloomedia : 9 (6+3) >< 5th : Tedster789 : 9
7th > Chazer : 8 (6+1+1) >< 6th : Pr0ne : 8 (0+3+5)
8th > Fleshmon : 5
9th > Waleedo : 4
10th > Collies : 3 (1+2)
11th > Thecrash12 : 2 >< Jodus : 2 >< Oscarioo : 2

The general score :

1st > Rune : 112 (85+27)
2nd > Toriito : 87 (72+15)
3rd > Prone : 82 (74+8 )
4th > Victor4554 : 56 (37+19)
5th > Fleshmon : 52 (47+5)
6th > Jodus : 35 (33+2) >< Chazer : 35 (27+8 )
7th > Gezik00 : 33 (32+1)
8th > Iacer : 32 (32+0)
9th > Nate : 30 (30+0)
10th > Oscar100 : 28 (28+0)
11th > Bloomedia : 25 (16+9)
12th > Chucktori : 18 (18+0) >< Ale455 : 18 (18+0)
13th > Lolies : 16 (13+3)
14th > Tron11975 : 12 (12+0)
15th > Thecrash12 : 11 (9+2)
16th > Tedster789 : 10 (9+1)
17th > xXAhmetXx : 7 (7+0)
18th > JustMonsto : 5 (5+0)
19th > KillerBotX : 3 (3+0)
20th > ConCon19 : 0 (0+0)

First thread with challengers list :

Good luck to everyone !


Attached Files
+++NWTheSandVillage.tbm (31.9 KB, 132 views)
Last edited by Mocucha; Dec 10, 2015 at 10:07 PM.

My Youtube channel : Mocucha Toribash

fine whatev jmenfou carrement jpx tu avoir mon prize ou quoi?

take 1st place from me for no reason idc its a game but can I get the tc pls

realise stp que meme si toi tu px pas le lire pt les autres ouiii bcp de gens ont vue mon rpl

and I'm sorry, which alt of mine got banned?

only my main was banned and not because of me
Hey Rune, Hawkeye asked me to help him.
Please this Event is international. You are not allowed to talk in any other language than English, even if the host can understand.
Please, Now you should be talking only English until the end of this Event.
If you're still talking in French, you'd be able to get warned and/or infracted.
Was zurük bleibt ist erinnerung
Since when did Hawkeye start controlling this whole thing? Also you can go through the whole thread we've all been speaking random languages and Mocucha has never had a problem answering me in French since it's easier for him.

Now I insist that more people than just Hawkeye participate in the point compilation.

I'm not purposely trying to make trouble I just find this is all biased and my replay WAS SUBMITTED AND VIEWED (someone back me up please).

I'll take all the time needed to translate Mocucha's Private message toward me :


It's been a while we haven't talked, how you're going ?

Well, I'm coming toward you with a reason in mind.
I would like to finish up with Ninja Warrior Season 2, but I really do not have the time to take care of it... It is needed to determine the final classement so I can give up the prizes. Well I do not have time for it and I want to say that with all the problems I got with my computer (The 1er burned up 2x time, I buy another one he burned up too...) , I lost all motivation, and this is not nice towards all the participants.

So, I'm coming here to ask you if you could count up the points.

I'm coming toward you especially because I know you're going to make that seriously, if you refuse, i'll understand.

Kiss on the left ear"

So. Basically Mocucha's is totally inactive and asked me to help him up close Ninja Warriors Season 2, You have not a single idea of what he is going through, and of course, you can understand that i've accepted his offer since he's a really good friends.

So yes i'm in charge at the moment and i'm trying my best to give up all the information I gather from Mocucha to you and from you to Mocucha. It's not the best time ever.

Now, i'm honestly saying I won't do any moves until Mocucha get back up online, I already sent him 2 PM and he answered only one, saying that he "will check this when he will be done with his work". Useless to say i'm still waiting but i'm not gonna harass him with his Event since he's busy.

Now if you have any request about the point compilation, or the general score, or anything else rune. Send a frikin' PM to Mocucha and you'll see his answers when he will get an access to the forum.


Post - Scriptum : Also this is the last f*cking time i'll have to screen my PM because you need some proof, even tho Mocucha said in the thread that I was in charge, I do NOT like to share my Private Messaging with my friends.
Last edited by HawkeyeTFA; Oct 23, 2016 at 02:42 AM.
French Player, Old member of OFRO
I know WHY you're in charge I'm just confused why you're the ONLY one in charge I'm not questioning your claim because I know you take this seriously I'm pissed I made a replay and now it's not being counted ok?
Well, if you carefully read Mocucha's pm you can see that he offered you to be in charge of only one thing: Counting the points, not being in charge of the event. Also, I can confirm that Rune posted his entry to the 3rd round (he linked the replay you know). I can't see how you're not able to see that Rune has first place, it's clearer than the light of day
Originally Posted by HawkeyeTFA View Post
Now, i'm honestly saying I won't do any moves until Mocucha get back up online, I already sent him 2 PM and he answered only one, saying that he "will check this when he will be done with his work". Useless to say i'm still waiting but i'm not gonna harass him with his Event since he's busy.

Now if you have any request about the point compilation, or the general score, or anything else rune. Send a frikin' PM to Mocucha and you'll see his answers when he will get an access to the forum.

I've been clear.

I'm done with the events, for me, the prizes were given or something. If you have any request PM Mocucha and pray the god he got time to check up the forum.


Also, to answer you Rune, as i've said it many times. Mocucha is busy IRL, he don't even got his computer or something, he is actually doing important stuff in his life. We both know each other for a long time and already shared a lot of things, that's probably why Mocucha asked me to deal with this, because i'm thrustworthy for him.
Last edited by HawkeyeTFA; Oct 23, 2016 at 05:00 PM.
French Player, Old member of OFRO
Once again I repeat.
I believe you're trustworthy and that you're the right man for the job it's just that 2 people are better than 1.

I'll ignore the fact that you basically said I'm doing nothing with my life because 1. Mocucha is 35-36 (?) and obviously has a life 2. I AM 17 AND AM NOT EXPECTED TO HAVE A LIFE (but I do and am on less often because of it I'm a decently successful actor around here)
Originally Posted by Rune View Post
Once again I repeat.
I believe you're trustworthy and that you're the right man for the job it's just that 2 people are better than 1.

I'll ignore the fact that you basically said I'm doing nothing with my life because 1. Mocucha is 35-36 (?) and obviously has a life 2. I AM 17 AND AM NOT EXPECTED TO HAVE A LIFE (but I do and am on less often because of it I'm a decently successful actor around here)

Not saying you're doing nothing with your life, where do you even saw that.

Mocucha is way older than this actually, If i remember well he is around 48.
Anyway, i'm not checking again this thread, PM me or Mocucha if you still want to argue.
French Player, Old member of OFRO
Oh wow what a mess... I will have time this afternoon to read carefully all of this.

My Youtube channel : Mocucha Toribash